“Final Situation in Brazil”

This morning David was off to Campo Grande Michelin site ( outside of Rio) bright and early at 6am for meetings with Michelin payroll staff that emails call “Final Situation in Brazil”

Early morning in Resende
Early morning in Resende

Actually, he and fellow Canadian expat, Glen, who is moving to China too, are sharing a taxi which makes the 2hour trip to Campo Grande much more enjoyable! Because it is company business, the guys must go by taxi and David wasn’t looking forward to being in a taxi for 4 hours total with a taxi driver who only speaks Portuguese. 🙂

David at Campo Grande site
David at Campo Grande site
David with Michelin Tire
David with Michelin Tire
Glen with a Michelin tire
Glen with a Michelin tire

Today David mett with Michelin payroll to finalize and settle his accounts here in Brazil. Payroll and taxes are quite complicated in Brazil compared to Canada and even China. He actually has to be terminated from Brazil but at the same time leave his bank account open for probably up to 2 years and give power of attorney to Michelin to act on his account on his behalf…just a little bit scary! BUT that’s the way it works here!

Steve, another expat was also there today. Steve is finished his assignment and flies home to the USA tomorrow. His family will be glad to have him home. I think things went well, because the guys were all smiles after their meeting with payroll.Then it was on to the union office to terminate membership and then meet with a banking representative. David also picked up our permanent/temporary residence cards ( now that we are leaving) haha There are actually 11 Michelin expats settling their accounts this month and either going home or moving on to a new assignment.

Glen & Steve all smiles!
Glen & Steve all smiles!
David, Ana Paula (Michelin) & Steve
David, Ana Paula (Michelin payroll) & Steve

And what did I do today?

Well, today was inventory day at our apartment. Simone, our organizer and the apartment administration were here to make sure that everything is accounted for and left the way it was found…that we didn’t take any light fixtures or toilets 🙂 Hopefully all is in order haha. When we arrived in Resende in April 2012, we were shoved an inventory list in Portuguese and told we had to sign it. You ‘d think since they were renting to English speaking people, the inventory could have been translated to English. Simone was not in the country at the time,and we had another organizer, so who knows what we were signing!

Inventory of the apartment
Inventory of the apartment

Today was a bit more stressful for me than planned because after Simone and the administration were here, the owner decides to show up! I was NOT planning on that. I don’t know if you remember back to the couch and the bed issues we were having back in April and May when we arrived. And the owner not wanting to do a thing and being VERY difficult! And then to show up unexpectantly today to see and count everything she bought for the apartment… towels, sheets, dishes, etc…making sure they were still here… Grrrrr…..I am sorry! I was kind, but I did tell her my opinion…how uncomfortable it was to sit and sleep for the last year ( especially with David’s back) and that she may want to consider upgrading her furniture a bit before the next tenant moves in, especially with the amount of rent she was getting for this place each month!! Oh Simone…I am SO glad you were here, and THANK YOU SO MUCH for everything!!!! You are the BEST!!!!

Simone on the right, apartment administration lady on the left
Simone on the right, apartment administration lady on the left
Making sure EVERYTHING works!
Making sure EVERYTHING works!
Checking it off the list
Checking it off the list
...and the owner shows up!
…and the owner shows up!

To top it off, once everyone was gone, my downstairs neighbor arrives home and starts BLASTING his music!!!! Ugh!!I have a headache now and I am so glad that this day is soon over. All I can say is check and check!  That’s two more things off the list in our return to China! 14 days…

PS. Ok, ok…Thanks Jodie Logie for posting this verse today on FB. After the last few days I needed this reminder. I wasn’t terrible, but I know I wasn’t tenderhearted. It’s not like me to get SO frustrated!!! 😥

Ephesians 4:31-32

Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice. And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.

Boa Noite!

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Adventure For Two

I am from Bridgewater, Nova Scotia, Canada and I'm back from traveling with my husband on an expat assignment to foreign lands. 2011-2012 we were in Shenyang, China. Spring 2012- Spring 2013 we were in Resende,RJ Brazil then back to Shenyang, China in July 2013 until the end of July 2014. Expat life WAS amazing! Adventure abounds no matter where we travel to. We really enjoyed the amazing opportunity to live and experience culture and tradition in these places. BUT now we are finished and adjusting to life in our small town in Canada. Our days of travel and adventure are not over.

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