A Change of Direction!

Ok, so I enjoy blogging but need a shift in focus. I don’t want to stop completely but I don’t want to post as often or my day to day adventures even though some of you have mentioned you enjoy reading them.

So here’s the change. A new blog with a new name and a new focus.

Here’s the link to the new site! Check it out!


  The Final Post!

At least for now.

So after a lot of thought and consideration I have decided at least for now, this will be the last post for Adventure For Two. My whole idea and reason for starting this blog was to chronicle our day to day life while on expat. This blog gave me a place to share those thoughts as well as a diary of pictures, stories and events.

After being home now almost a year…well 9 months I’m still not sure what I am wanting the next stage of my life to be…it’s been a  hard adjustment for me, still is BUT I do know I need to take a break from blogging. It’s just something I need to do for me. Will I come back to it? I don’t know.

Thank you all so very much, to may faithful readers for the love and support while we were away and again back home. It’s been great to connect with you and share our lives.

Farewell for now xo



I went a little SNAKEY…

…and couldn’t finish!!!!

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Yuck! That’s how much I HATE snakes, doesn’t matter how big or little.

It was a gorgeous Saturday (about time) and David and I started the lawn raking. We did all of the back yard and started the side. And that’s where I saw it and yelled for David. So he finished the area by the wall and we said that’s enough and let’s go for a drive on this gorgeous day.

Besides this office boy had a few blisters… He’s not used to manual labor anymore!


Is that the end of the Michelin men?

We learned this morning that  François Michelin has passed away today, April 29th, at the age of 88.


He dedicated his life to the Michelin company, that he headed for 47 years, when he handed over the reins to his son Edouard.

Edouard Michelin ( August 13, 1963- May 26, 2006)  was managing partner and co-chief executive of the Michelin Group.  He was the great-grandson of Edouard ( the first), a co-founder of the company. In 1993, he joined François Michelin and René Zingraff  as Managing Partner of Michelin, and he was appointed Michelin Group CEO at the Annual Shareholders Meeting on 11 June 1999, 110 years after the establishment of the company. In May 2006 he drowned during a fishing trip.

On May 26, 2006, Michel Rollier succeeded Edouard Michelin. Rollier is a distant relative of Michelin founder Edouard Michelin. He held this position for 6 years before retiring  in May 2012.

Jean- Dominique Senard (born March 7, 1953) is a French industrialist in the automobile industry is the current CEO of Michelin. On May 11, 2012, he succeeded Michel Rollier as chief executive officer of Michelin. Senard is the first Michelin CEO not related to the Michelin family.

David has worked for this company for the last 31 years, his Dad before him and now our oldest son Andrew has been with the company 5 years. It has always been a family run company and has been an excellent employer for our family and has given us many opportunities. We are truly thankful.


Our condolences and thoughts are with the family of François Michelin.


Praying for Nepal

Nepal Earthquake: More Than 4,000 Dead After 7.8-Magnitude Quake Hits Near Kathmandu, Officials Say
The U.S. Geological Survey says the quake hit Lamjung, Nepal, Saturday April 25, 2015.

Our hearts are thinking and praying for the people of Nepal.  Workers and volunteers have been working nonstop, digging through rubble by hand trying to save as many people as possible. Such devastation as we watch the news and see the pictures…
There is a local man, actually two that we know that are in Nepal at this time. Thankfully they are safe. BUT it is so difficult to get flights out of the country right now.

Almost GONE!!!

It’s about time!! After all there’s only 6 more days til May. There are just a few little patches of the white stuff lingering on our back lawn. Can you believe it? I really can’t. It’s been quite a Winter and Spring.

Today was coolish but sunny and a great melting day. There is no snow in our front lawn but when we went for a drive to Mahone Bay to Mom& Dad Goode’s for dinner ( yes the “snowbirds” are home) there is a lot more snow around then I realized. We are one of the fortunate ones I think. Welcome Home Mom & Dad…we saved you a bit of SNOW but I know you brought the warmth with you and it will be arriving anytime, right? lol

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Days of rain

Goes well with my mood these days. Just rain and dreary. I feel numb. Just tired and no ambition so I need to really push myself. I haven’t felt like blogging at all which is unusual for me but I wouldn’t know what to say.

It’s been cold and raining a lot, but with the Spring rain, comes a washing, a newness and refreshment. Snow is almost gone. It’s completely gone from my front lawn and very little in the back. The rain washes the cars that are so dirty this time of year. And with the rain and a few days of warm temperatures and sunshine comes Spring…flowers, and birds, nests in trees…newness! Oh I want to be in the garden!!!! Lots to do this year to get our beautiful lawn back from the few years we were away.

Enjoy your day! It’s the start of the weekend.

The End of an Era…

Sorry for the lack of posts. Uncle died on Sunday around midnight. The funeral was this morning. A rainy, cold, overcast Spring morning. Sooooooo hard! So sad. Yet happy. So many thoughts and memories. BUT it was his time. I KNOW he is in heaven with Auntie Bea.

I am so very thankful his four children from Ontario were here in time to say their goodbyes…10690143_10153338723649203_8835377048759571320_n

Two VERY special people in my life. Like second parents. If anything would have happened to Mom & Dad, Auntie & Uncle would always be there, we knew it, they told us, we felt it!  They gave the same love and advise parents do…always there to encourage and correct…even after we were older and married.


Some of my MOST special memories are of my childhood on the farm in Ontario. Uncle was a chicken farmer for many years. Raising chickens for KFC. Haha guess that’s why I like KFC so much 😀 His and Auntie Bea’s children like my brothers and sisters. We played together, shared so much, were at and in each other’s weddings. When David & I got engaged we traveled to Ontario for a visit so he could meet them and get their approval. And even after we kept going back. We took our children back. Auntie & Uncle were very important to us.

In the early 1980’s ( 1982 I think) Uncle was diagnosed with cancer, very serious and the prognosis was not good at that time…but he recovered. I was married in 1986 and Auntie & Uncle traveled from Ontario for the wedding. Uncle gave the “Toast to the Bride” I wouldn’t have wanted any other to this. It was special. He was special. Over the last 30 some years, Uncle has battled cancer…so serious, a lot of pain, very close calls, but he was strong and always came through. This time however, it was not to be…it was his time.

We were thrilled when they retired and moved to Nova Scotia, building a home across the street from my parents. It was wonderful. We’d visit Mom & Dad, then visit ( or wave to Auntie & Uncle) It was so great to visit and enjoy family. So convenient to see my cousins and their kids and now grandkids when they came to Nova Scotia. BBQ’s, family gatherings, birthdays, anniversaries, my kid’s graduations…lots and lots of memories.

The Spring  before we went to China Auntie passed away with cancer. It was very sudden, very sad. We NEVER expected she would go first. It left a huge void in our lives. We missed her. Uncle remarried the following year…he was lonely. After all, he and Aunt had been together since they were 18. They married young. It was so difficult to see but at least he wouldn’t be lonely. Now we are home from expat and this Spring it was Uncle’s time. Time to finish this fight of cancer and go HOME with Auntie.


I have been so sad these days, so many thoughts… sad today saying goodbye because not only is it goodbye to a dear Uncle but also saying goodbye to an era really…to two dear and special people that where a HUGE and WONDERFUL part of my life, who will always be remembered, NEVER forgotten!!


I LOVED you BOTH soooooo MUCH!!!

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So Uncle, it’s time to say Farewell ( always LOVED this smile), BUT we will meet again one day…


PS. I ate a lot of Solomon Gundy this week Uncle while I was cleaning and remembering ( I know it was your favourite)

The end of an era BUT We will not forget…

Auntie & UncleBeatrice Mae (Sarty) DeLong February 14,1943 – June 6, 2010

Carl Herman DeLong March 10,1935- April 20, 2015

Just tears…

4f7a50d34cedff740df2a43d64ca7f19I ALWAYS think of it as a sign of weakness. I’m the one in the family that ALWAYS cries. Extreme happiness I cry, sadness I cry…so This quote seems so fitting when these few days I just can’t speak, I don’t know what to blog about… but tears just flow freely at the thought, at a glimpse of a picture, at a conversation…at anything really. I just can’t.  You see someone close to me, someone who has been like my “second” Father all my life is dying…. there is maybe weeks, maybe days…only God knows. So please forgive me if I do not blog…I may or may not…as the tears flow…


David’s back to work this morning and as soon as I get my self organized and a few things done this week ( kitchen restocked with food, house cleaned and spend QUALITY time with Abby) I NEED to do a Spring overhaul.


What that means is…

~ Spring Cleaning…I want to do a thorough deep clean of my home

~ Spring gardening and landscaping planning…get a plan sketched out of what NEEDS to be done when the weather is good ( I have lots of ideas from DC)

~ Spring Detox ( too much coffee and bad food causes dizziness) for ME coming up! ( I have not been well all winter, and this trip to DC even though wonderful, has been the worst it’s been)

UnknownLOTS to keep me occupied and busy for the next while I think! 😀 But today…I’m just thinking about what to do… and spending time with my Abby girl!