Hmm? The possibilities…

Today was another gorgeous day!!! One of those beautiful Sundays where lunch is a BBQ and you feel like being outside or going for a drive…

Lunch was Grilled chicken with baked potatoes and salad…yummy! and while I was finishing dishes, James and David went and took some “junk” to the curb side. Our old backyard chiminea was one item which quickly found a new home. Lots of folk driving by and picking up things is the norm. “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure” so the saying goes… YES, tomorrow is junk day so lots of “treasures” along curbs today.

David wanted to go for a drive and I’ve been wanting to get to the market to do a little looking and planing and wishing. Ahh…the greenhouse. So nice to see things green and blooming. We also checked out the “orchard” to see what was in stock. I think I’m gonna add a few…cherry trees…

         And of course no visit to the market is complete without ice-cream and a sweet treat! 😀






I went a little SNAKEY…

…and couldn’t finish!!!!

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Yuck! That’s how much I HATE snakes, doesn’t matter how big or little.

It was a gorgeous Saturday (about time) and David and I started the lawn raking. We did all of the back yard and started the side. And that’s where I saw it and yelled for David. So he finished the area by the wall and we said that’s enough and let’s go for a drive on this gorgeous day.

Besides this office boy had a few blisters… He’s not used to manual labor anymore!


Don’t Burst My Bubble!!

May 1 st…beginning of a new month…and fresh start for our dear daughter!

Laura has had a hard go this last year. Learned a few lessons the hard way. In ways that you never want for your kids but she’ll be stronger because of it…we hope!

So, all week she’s been waiting…waiting for her new wheels, her “bubble car” as her Dad calls it.


No it’s not quite like this! Haha

It’s a little Toyota Yaris…perfect for her. Today the paperwork was finalized and she got it. It was even delivered right to our door. So excited for her. A great new start for her.

PS~ She was so excited and happy this afternoon, that before I could get a pic of her with her new wheels, she was out the door to go for coffee and then off to work. So I’ll add a couple pics when she’s home long enough for me to take some lol.

Happy May Day!

IMG_3128So here are a few pictures as promised.


Taking her little bro for a spin 😀IMG_3152


Breaking NEWS!!!!

Today is the last day of April and all the SNOW in my yard FRONT and BACK is FINALLY gone!!!! Yep, the last of it melted today and I am so happy.

NOW come on and warm up already…I want to do some outside stuff.

This has been the Winter that doesn’t want to end. There are still people in Nova Scotia with piles of snow. Who would have thought? But tomorrow is May 1st so the temperatures have got to change right?

Here’s hoping for a nice weekend.

Kids are home tonight and so it’s a good night for a quick board game. Pegs & Jokers 😀

IMG_3111And…I won!!!!


Made me SMILE 😄

There’s not a whole lot happening these days. It’s so cold and raining that I just feel like hibernating. Got MOST of my Spring cleaning done last week and need to finish up a couple rooms but honestly in this weather, who wants to open windows? I think I will wait til it warms a bit and is sunny.

Thinking of my dear friends who are saying “Goodbye Shenyang” tomorrow for their last flight home across the pond. So bittersweet. I KNOW this feeling, I KNOW how they are feeling now and in a few hours when it’s their morning and the must say their farewells… HUGS my friends! Praying for safe flights!


Here’s something I came across today that made me smile. I LOVE pineapple. And I guess someone else does too! A fruit vendor shows off his new haircut!! lol My smile for today!    😄    

Praying for Nepal

Nepal Earthquake: More Than 4,000 Dead After 7.8-Magnitude Quake Hits Near Kathmandu, Officials Say
The U.S. Geological Survey says the quake hit Lamjung, Nepal, Saturday April 25, 2015.

Our hearts are thinking and praying for the people of Nepal.  Workers and volunteers have been working nonstop, digging through rubble by hand trying to save as many people as possible. Such devastation as we watch the news and see the pictures…
There is a local man, actually two that we know that are in Nepal at this time. Thankfully they are safe. BUT it is so difficult to get flights out of the country right now.

Who’s Coming for Dinner???

All I know is that we will have 4 guests.

For the past couple years our church has been doing  a fun event on Sunday after morning service. The week prior there are two sign up sheets in the foyer. You can either sign up to be hosts or guests. If you are hosting, you say how many you’d like to have. This week is the first time to do this since we’ve been home, and we signed up to be hosts. After the morning service the people that are guests are given the address of where to go and the hosts don’t find out until the guests arrive at their home. There are so many new people in our church that we don’t even know…Hmm? I wonder who’s coming to Dinner? I told Pastor Jeff to go easy on us. lol

Yay!!! What a pleasant surprise! Two dear couples…sweet friends! Fred & Mary and Ding & Donna. It was wonderful to enjoy lunch and the afternoon and get reacquainted with these couples we love so much and we’ve known over the years!

 Fun times!!!


Almost GONE!!!

It’s about time!! After all there’s only 6 more days til May. There are just a few little patches of the white stuff lingering on our back lawn. Can you believe it? I really can’t. It’s been quite a Winter and Spring.

Today was coolish but sunny and a great melting day. There is no snow in our front lawn but when we went for a drive to Mahone Bay to Mom& Dad Goode’s for dinner ( yes the “snowbirds” are home) there is a lot more snow around then I realized. We are one of the fortunate ones I think. Welcome Home Mom & Dad…we saved you a bit of SNOW but I know you brought the warmth with you and it will be arriving anytime, right? lol

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Just tears…

4f7a50d34cedff740df2a43d64ca7f19I ALWAYS think of it as a sign of weakness. I’m the one in the family that ALWAYS cries. Extreme happiness I cry, sadness I cry…so This quote seems so fitting when these few days I just can’t speak, I don’t know what to blog about… but tears just flow freely at the thought, at a glimpse of a picture, at a conversation…at anything really. I just can’t.  You see someone close to me, someone who has been like my “second” Father all my life is dying…. there is maybe weeks, maybe days…only God knows. So please forgive me if I do not blog…I may or may not…as the tears flow…

SAVE the date!!!

It’s planned, it’s booked, many arrangements have already been made, AND in exactly one year…Andrew and Kristina will be getting married!!!!! I am so EXCITED!


They have their destination wedding all booked with down payment and next year this time family and friends will join them in beautiful hot, sunny, tropical CUBA for a week of fun and witness them say their “I do’s” on the beach on April 16, 2016.


Hotel Melia Las Dunas Cayo Santa Maria Resort

hotel-melia-las-dunas-cayo-santa-maria-045So happy!!! Just one year…

Think we’ll fill the plane?