The “BIG Pastel”

What a gorgeous day to go for a drive to Rio and back! Just beautiful. Love the sprawling Brasilian ranches we see!

On the way home from Rio, after the toll, and before the winding mountain pass, is our favorite PIT STOP! Just like on the way to Rio we have a favorite PIT STOP ( Casa de Mamao) This PIT STOP on the way home was the very first stop we made a year ago on our first trip in the taxi van to our new home in Brazil. It is called BIG Pastel.

Normally, we just stop, use the washroom, pick up a drink and maybe a quick snack and go. BUT today we decided to share a pastel. Share yes…because they are BIG! And this place is famous for them. They actually make the dough right at the restaurant, roll it out and roll it in to large balls to use. There are so many different kinds to choose from. Main meal kinds like Quejo, frango, carne, etc…or sweet kinds like banana and canele. We chose the banana and canele.( cinnamon)

Well another weekend quickly gone by… a new week begins. I wonder what fun and adventures we can have?

Driving back from Rio tonight.
Driving back from Rio tonight.

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Adventure For Two

I am from Bridgewater, Nova Scotia, Canada and I'm back from traveling with my husband on an expat assignment to foreign lands. 2011-2012 we were in Shenyang, China. Spring 2012- Spring 2013 we were in Resende,RJ Brazil then back to Shenyang, China in July 2013 until the end of July 2014. Expat life WAS amazing! Adventure abounds no matter where we travel to. We really enjoyed the amazing opportunity to live and experience culture and tradition in these places. BUT now we are finished and adjusting to life in our small town in Canada. Our days of travel and adventure are not over.

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